Fake Hair Straighteners GHD
2010-05-12 09:28
For many years now the Internet has been flooded with fake goods watches, perfumes and included in this has been hair straighteners. Manufacturers are getting more and more able to protect their products through new emerging technologies. An example of this is Cloud Nine Hair Straighteners; Cloud Nine Hair has developed a range of straighteners in order to protect them they have included a RFID chip inside ghd flat iron every pair making them impossible to copy.
The cloud nine hair straighteners have a traditional hologram, which has become easy to counterfeit over the last five years. The GHD straighteners fell foul to this with counterfeit copies available through online stores. Theirs not much telling between a pair of fake or real GHD irons. Only that user ghd mk4 reported them not lasting as long as a pair of GHD. I have an original pair I purchased three years ago they are still going strong. Only the problem was changing the fuse a couple of times on an otherwise great pair...